Parker Witmore
Two time startup founder with 10+ experience in Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
Hi, I'm Parker.
I'm a dynamic Economic Development Ecosystem Builder, Industrial Designer, and Entrepreneur known for achieving impactful results throughout my career.
My experience spans entrepreneurship, grant sourcing and reporting, marketing, graphic design, financial modeling, and community outreach.
I have a proven record of successful entrepreneurship, having built Moonshot Camper Vans into a well-established brand with robust internal operations. I also secured significant grant funding for both Moonshot Camper Vans and Zsas Ice Cream.
I have worked with entrepreneurs from all sectors to help them achieve greater impact and know what they didn't know.
My expertise lies in translating vision into actionable strategies and delivering tangible outcomes. My passion is to work with smart brains and to help people ignite their vision.
Looking forward to helping you with your startup!